The Roast: a new song by America’s sweetheart

Hi friends! It’s me again here to hit you with my weekly post and (for this week) roast. I want to preface this blog with this: I don’t like the top hits on Spotify. I think they are over played and it makes me feel like I am listening to the radio. The reason I have Spotify is to not listen to the radio so I’m sure you can see why I don’t really dig it. However, I do like a lot of the songs but definitely in small doses. I don’t dislike many songs although there are a few that ignite a chord in my soul that screams “make it stop!” every time I hear it played.


With that being said, I was scrolling through the “Top Hits” options on Spotify to try to give the big river we call the “main stream” a chance. While I was scrolling through the list of extremely over played songs, I saw Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” on the top 50. Has the musical world completely lost their mind?


When Taylor premiered this song on the MTV Music Awards I thought it was a joke. Certainty everyone else did too? Don’t get me wrong, I sort of like Taylor Swift and some of her songs were neat, but this one? I’m just not so sure.


So, without further ado, let the roast begin.


Copycat syndrome seems to be plaguing music artists these days, and it looks like Taylor Swift got the disease. This song is all about her old self “dying” and a new T-Swift being reborn. Okay neat, but Katy Perry decided to also do a revamp from normal to crazy about a month before and Miley Cyrus hit that theme about 3 months before with her single “Malibu”.


Moreover, the beat is some confusion between basement EDM and maybe some Lord with a mix of hitting electro-notes that are highly aggressive and don’t give the listener a chance to enjoy the song. Sometimes I wonder what I would do if this song came on at a party. Would I gyrate awkwardly? Maybe throw in some hitchhiker thumbs? Or just give up all together and head nod because I don’t understand the beat?


But people fear not! There is good news! The one and only Ellen DeGeneres made a spoof that isn’t one to miss.


Check it out below, and for the love of all things good, don’t keep listening to this song to keep up with everyone else! It’s okay to be your own person!


Peace and musical blessings,



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