Give me a “Straighjacket”

Currently, I live in a tiny, overpriced, basement of an apartment that always ends up being the butt of the joke but is truly very loved. It’s like a wart that you kinda hate but still appreciate because it adds a little character to your life.


One of my favorite things about the apartment is the people I live with. Together, the four of us share our quant cave.


My roommates and myself, like many college students, have super stressful lives. We’ll come home at midnight or 1 pm on most nights and pop open a bottle of wine to destress from our days. Sometimes they force me to meditate with them and other times we just sit and listen to music.


These little jam sessions are where we find a little piece in our busy lives to just enjoy each other’s company and not think about the 19 exams we have next week or all of the projects that we are pretty certain are ruining our lives.


It was during one of these nights that my roommate Allie shared a funky little pop song by a guy who goes by Quinn XCII. This song was “Straightjacket”.


I immediately fell in love with this dude. His beats caught my attention. In the beginning, there’s this beat that hits 3 times and works you into this funny but upbeat moment you’re about to have.


I really like Quinn because his music is humorous. This song is about a crazy girl he dated who he calls a “Psycho from a Midwest suburb”. I’m slightly concerned because I kinda relate to this girl so I should probably work on that….


He also has a song on the same album called “You’re the Worst” which is a hilarious song that I think just about anyone who has ever had a relationship

Quinn XCII.jpg

So check it out and let me know what you think. If you have any suggestions on songs you want me to cover, comment or message me.


Here ya go ya psychos

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